This widget shows the latest week's Commitment of Traders open interest. Analysis of these related ETFs and how they are trading may provide insight to this commodity. Related ETFsįind exchange traded funds (ETFs) whose sector aligns with the same commodity grouping as the symbol you are viewing. This chart starts at "0" at the left-most price scale, then plots the price change for the contract you are viewing against the average price change for the 5 prior contracts. The second chart, based on Price Change, is available for Barchart Premier users. The widget offers two types of displays: one based on Last Price of the commodity you are viewing, compared to the average last price of the same commodity for the five prior contracts. They help show patterns and price trends for commodities whose prices often change with the seasons. Seasonal ChartĪ seasonal chart is designed to help you visualize how futures contracts have performed during a calendar year. This section displays additional open contracts for the futures symbol you are viewing.
Click the "See More" link to see the full Performance Report page with expanded historical information. This section shows the Highs and Lows over the past 1, 3 and 12-Month periods. Weighted Alpha: A measure of how much a stock or commodity has risen or fallen over a one-year period.Ī thumbnail of a daily chart is provided, with a link to open and customize a full-sized chart.Average Volume: The average number of shares traded over the last 20 days.Volume: The total number of shares or contracts traded in the current trading session.Previous Close: The closing price from the previous trading session.Open: The opening price for the current trading session is plotted on the day's High/Low histogram.Day High / Low: The highest and lowest trade price for the current trading session.The Quote Overview page gives you a snapshot view for a specific futures symbol. During market hours, delayed exchange price information displays (Futures: 10 minute delay, CT) and new delayed trade updates are updated on the page (as indicated by a "flash"). That was a 4% increase on the week and 4.5% increase yr/yr. FAS had 19,801 MT shipped during the same week. That was up 52% wk/wk and 40.6% yr/yr, but was still the second lowest since April. The weekly Export Sales report showed 17k MT of beef was sold during the week that ended 6/23. USDA reported TX cash trade was mostly $1 lower to $137, while the limited Northern sales went $146 to $150. The 6/29 CME Feeder Cattle Index was $2.36 higher to $166.44. The original 25 were retendered and never scheduled. The Merc reported another 15 contracts of June heifers were issued for delivery. At the close the board was mostly 25 to 57 cents in the front months. Live cattle prices traded mostly higher on Thursday with $1.20-$1.40 trading ranges. For the August contract that extended the month’s gain to $8.48. The feeder cattle futures rallied triple digits on Thursday’s board break in the feed grains.